User research
At HMRC, we hold an annual learning and development event - ResCon - to discuss trending user research topics and learn new skills. At our last event, experts in body language, persuasion, negotiation and marketing advised us on effective communication, a vital skill for all researchers.
What one user researcher learned from facilitating cross-government user research training, and how you could benefit from getting involved too.
How doing ethnographic research with farmers and advisers helped to build trust and reframe a policy challenge.
Chris shares lessons for ensuring ReOps functions meet researchers’ needs, measure their impact, and focus on the right things, learned from creating one at the Government Digital Service
As User Researchers, we champion user-centred approaches, and our work can be internal or external facing. As part of being user-centred, we have a duty to protect our participants’ data, as well as their wellbeing and safety; this applies whether they are members of the public or other civil servants and staff. In this blog, you’ll read about the steps you yourself can take to make sure you’re researching with internal participants in an ethical way.
Good communication with participants is a foundation of user research. But how can you get meaningful insights when communicating isn't straightforward.
We’re relaunching the user research in government blog
The team behind the Service Manual used collaborative workshops for gathering user inputs and exploratory research to understand the perceived value of the Manual.
In this first of two blog posts, Alison Foley shares the user research approach and various methods her team has used to inform guidance.
GOV.UK Notify is a platform for public servants who need to send emails, text messages and letters. In this blog, Chris Marshall explains how user researchers can benefit from using GOV.UK Notify to send messages about their research.