How a research session no-show gave us some great insight into our project

How a team at NHS Digital turned a research session no-show into an opportunity to learn.
How a team at NHS Digital turned a research session no-show into an opportunity to learn.
The Government as a Platform team recently carried out research with 150 service teams across government and got a huge amount of data back. Here's how they analysed this.
The Service Performance team are working on a tool to give people standardised high-level metrics about all government services in one place. They needed to be able to define user needs for Service Performance throughout the project. Here's what they did.
We're introducing new navigation elements to GOV.UK. This blog posts talks about the user research that helped us develop them.
As well as carrying out user research with users, it's also valuable to carry it out with internal stakeholders. This is how the GOV.UK Verify team conducted user research with its internal stakeholders.
Setting up a knowledge kanban board is a great way to organise and track user research work. Here are some tips on how to create one and how it can help.
We've been looking at how GOV.UK verify might be extended to local authorities. To help with this, we've been offering training, tools and support to get each of the local authority teams we're working with talking to their own users
We wanted to understand what international users thought about GOV.UK. This is how we carried out user research with this group.
Recently, we blogged about our research on how users feel about webchat, and the way we used roleplay to test human interactions in a webchat. Our third piece of research took us out of the lab.
In our recent webchat alpha we looked at whether there are common webchat needs across government. We also investigated what opportunities there might be to meet those needs in a more consistent way. This involved lots of user research including …