How we use training to help make user research a team sport

In this blog TingTing Zhao and Steph Marsh and I talk about training we run at GDS to help wholes team be involved and own the research and insight we gain about users #UserResearch
In this blog TingTing Zhao and Steph Marsh and I talk about training we run at GDS to help wholes team be involved and own the research and insight we gain about users #UserResearch
...research plan was ambitious in scope and timing, so we knew recruiters would struggle with our deadlines. There was also a cost implication – using recruiters costs more. This is...
We recently carried out research among our colleagues to understand how they felt about their day-to-day working experiences. Here's how we did it.
The Government Digital Service has a long history of interaction design and user research working collaboratively. Here's 5 things we do well together to meet user needs and deliver great services.
Contextual research is about watching your users in the environment where they usually use your product. In this blog post, we talk about how we've used contextual observation to iterate and improve GOV.UK Notify.
We’ve learned that user researchers do their best work when they focus on one thing at a time. In this post I explain how this is the foundation for making user research a team sport, and of putting the people who use our services at the heart of what we do.
How a team at NHS Digital turned a research session no-show into an opportunity to learn.
The Government as a Platform team recently carried out research with 150 service teams across government and got a huge amount of data back. Here's how they analysed this.
The Service Performance team are working on a tool to give people standardised high-level metrics about all government services in one place. They needed to be able to define user needs for Service Performance throughout the project. Here's what they did. to help you. Here are 10 tips for getting the most out of your user researchers’ skills. 1. Know what your user researcher will do A user researcher is...